Need You to Know

Need You to Know är ett försök att skriva en lite ”soulig” poplåt med 90-talskänsla. Jag gillar den!
Erik Linder sjunger.

Look at us, here we are again
at the same place, in the same phase
as before
I don’t know
if I touch your hand will it lead to something more?

What do I do, what’s more to say?
Are you with me, will you hit me
if I do?
You’re my friend
and it’s more important to me than you will know
it’s more than I show

I realize that you mean everything to me
it’s a secret, but I need you to know

that every time I see you I must tell my heart to beat
every time I see you I fight the heat
coming from inside of me
Give me all the courage that I need today
when I tell you that I feel this way
’cause I need you to know

This is a trying state of mind.
If I choose you, will I loose you?
What’s the price?
Roll the dice
If I win your heart then my choice was more than wise

I realize that a change’s unavoidable
wanna face it and embrace it with you

’cause every time I see you I must tell my heart to beat
every time I see you I fight the heat
coming from inside of me
Give me all the courage that I need today
when I tell you that I feel this way
’cause I need you to know

And if our story comes to end
I’d still consider you my friend
Is this the very end?
But if you feel the same way too
you gotta let me know
I’m crazy ’bout you

every time I see you
I fight the heat
coming from inside of me
Give me all the courage that I need today
when I tell you that I feel this way
’cause I need you to know

wanna tell you everyting I really need to say
and I need to say it all today
’cause I need you to know

2 svar på ”Need You to Know

    1. Johan säger:

      Kul att du gillar den!
      Jag gillar 90-talssoundet i låten.
      Och visst har jag gjort stråkarret själv, det är så kul så det vill jag inte släppa till nån annan 🙂


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